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Learning a New Skill Set at Wilkes...

I am currently taking the online course ED 526 through Wilkes. This course is titled Internet Literacy for Educators and it is designed to help teachers master the tools of the Web 2.0 internet to enhance student learning. At no other time in human history, students have instant access to information at their fingertips, through their smartphones. Many are learning in different modalities that were unavailable in previous generations. To effectively harness these new methods of learning, teachers need to be able to reach students through these new methods, which means becoming proficient in them. This course seeks to expose the modern teacher to a variety of techniques and skills, through web sites and apps, to accomplish this goal. Thus far, I have learned to utilize Tagul, a website that makes vocabulary come alive in a word picture of sorts. I also investigated the Internet Detective, which explained about the good and bad of internet sites and how to detect each. We also invest
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Electrical Phenomena Podcast

New Physics Teachers and Student Physics Teachers... I have uploaded a new podcast that can help you with identifying and correcting student misconceptions with electrical phenomena, specifically electricity and charging. As always, please comment when finished! THANKS, Jeff

Web 2.0

Doing all of these activities for Web 2.0 makes me realize that all of those hours I spent learning the ins and outs of that old Commodore 64 was worth it. While I know next to nothing about modern programming languages today, Web 2.0 makes it so that I don't need to know.